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National Day of the Tree 2019, also in the municipality of Frisange

As announced in Regulus, the magazine for nature & environment in its issue 5/2019, the municipality of Frisange, according to official wording, should also plant » … plantera plusieurs Ulmus laevis à un endroit restant à définir « .

In principle, we naturally not only welcome this action, we even fully support it. This is a continuity  of what has already been initiated in this municipality.

However, if now, out of « …plusieurs Ulmus laevis… » only two have remained, we find this slightly sad.  It would certainly have been possible to make « …plusieurs » what is understood in language usage, namely more than two individual ones.

Strictly speaking, it is not wrong. But there remains the bland aftertaste of an absolute minimum.

Fortunately, however, a few hedges have also been planted, which was not announced. We find this to be in line.

We as CSV generally advocate for a more consistent, more committed and more courageous environmental protection policy.

Nature conservation as an alibi function, namely quickly doing something to be in conformity, won’t do for us.

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